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Meet the Founder

The vision for Far Above Rubies Academy was birthed for a love for women who have experienced different battles of life, but with solutions to empower them on to victory in every area of their lives; spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. Far Above Rubies Academy, Life Coaching will empower you to make a difference because its key drivers are vision, vigilance, and victories are the core of the foundation. 


Christ is the center of our vision and he makes it possible that we may live and have life more abundantly according to John 10:10.  You are encouraged to live intentional in your thoughts and actions because you are a survivor and no longer a victim of the circumstances of your life.  You are victorious and this is the day that you embrace and declare VICTORY! Welcome to the Academy where your worth is Far Above Rubies!


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Far Above Rubies Academy

Certified Seal

Tel: 229.360.6364

Address: 3338 Country Club Rd

Suite #134, Valdosta, GA


"Owning Your Story is the Bravest Thing You Will Ever Do"

~ Brene' Brown ~

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